Who We Serve

Ste. Anne Pantry serving zip code 48216

The 48216 zip code served by the pantry at Ste. Anne is a population where less than 60% of residents have a high school diploma and 32% of residents are disabled. In 2000, the median household income was $24,079 and nearly 40% of residents lived below the poverty line. Many more residents now live in poverty, as the availability of low-skill manufacturing, labor and construction jobs has dramatically decreased in the present economic recession. The need for food in this zip code has always been great and is growing still greater.


The St Stephen Pantry at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

The pantry is staffed by volunteers from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, DTE and pantry users who wish to ‘give-back’ to the community. The number of households seeking assistance has risen from 25 households each week in the first months of operation in 2008 to over 80 households per week including nearly 400 individuals in the past few months. This growing number of persons utilizing the pantry reflects the plight of the poor in Detroit.


The Perry Outreach Center

The Center provides food, clothing, computer training, job training and job placement assistance. They hope to expand their services as staffing and demand increases. Food is purchased from Gleaners, donated by churches and local organizations in addition to Loaves and Fishes SW Detroit.

The New Mt. Hermon Pantry

The New Mt. Hermon Pantry is operated by the New Mt. Hermon Missionary Baptist church. Their newly renovated parish hall houses a food pantry which is open by appointment. Food is purchased from Gleaners and donated by Loaves and Fishes SW Detroit.In addition, they serve a hot meal once a month. Call Rev. Jerome Maclin at 313-928-2828 for more information if you live in zipcodes 48217, 48218 or 48229.